The Green Tractor Scheme's profile continues to grow!

Green Tractor recently had the pleasure of working with Lauren Weir on the report she was writing on behalf of the Environmental Investigation Agency into Agri-Plastic waste mismanagement and criminality in the UK. Not only was it great to work with a like-minded individual and organisation with the same sustainable goals for agriculture, but it was also rewarding to see The Green Tractor Scheme and the work we are doing getting the recognition it deserves.

The rest of the report is a very thorough look at the state of the agricultural plastic problem in the UK and for those interested, I would suggest you read it. There are some parts to the report that Green Tractor does disagree with, for example, we cannot find many uses of PVC in UK agriculture in 2023 and so would not choose to highlight that as a significant issue in UK farming. Of course, PVC itself is a problem, but in agriculture, Green Tractor would argue there were greater tonnages of other plastics in agriculture.
However, the EIA has highlighted a lot of the same issues GTS continue to highlight and has offered a lot of the same solutions that we are suggesting to help raise the rate of UK farm plastic recycling. The most pertinent point that we have continued to highlight to governmental organisations is the loophole surrounding Waste Transfer Notes.

Overall, it is brilliant to see Green Tractor's brilliant work being highlighted in a significant environmental report. Green Tractor continues to engage with key players across the farming industry to help bring about significant sustainable change.